Bucklespring keyboards are iconic keyboards with distinct sound effects, sadly they went out of fashion however you can still relive the wonder of them on any keyboard you have

Downloading as a snap vs .deb

The most popular way to download this trick is via a snap, but I don’t like to use these nor have any of them installed. I still prefer the old fashioned .deb packages. 

A bucklespring keyboard

The packages

The package bucklespring_1.4.0-2_.deb can be downloaded easily from Debian’s packaging website (I shall link it below), please note that you won’t find this deb package in Synaptic.

Download the bucklespring-data_1.4.0-2_all.deb and the bucklespring_1.4.0-2_.deb.Install the data first then the bucklesrping package itself.

How to run Bucklespring?

Bucklespring has no GUI (Graphic user interface), so in order to get it to run you need to open the terminal and simply type in: 


Download links

Please choose the right architecture for your processor.

Important notes

You have to keep that terminal (x session) open in order to enjoy the bucklespring sounds as you type on the keyboard.

I happened to notice that some keys don’t produce the sound as they are typed on (the number pad on the right side of the keyboard).

Final words

It’s a cool trick to have enabled, totally changes your using experience of the keyboard. I find that it’s best paired with LED enabling (also enabled from the terminal) for a maximum nerdy effect.

Have you enjoyed this tip? Do you like the bucklespring noise? Tell me what you think in the comments section below, and I’ll catch you in another one!