7 things you need to know about Linux
- Linux has some visually stunning interfaces, it’s not a command line monster like most people think!!

- You can edit the source code and develop your own software, with proper license of course.
- You can distribute the software free of any legal issues in most cases.
- It has Steam support now and there is a new distribution named Steam OS just released, which solves Linux’s issue of having no professional quality games.
- It has a Windows emulator that enables you to run most of your Windows software on it.
- Much more secure than Windows, much harder to hack than other operating systems.
- Many of the softwaresyou use everyday and cannot get enough of are open source such as: Firefox, VLC, and most distributions come loaded with software packages by default, such as Ubuntu, The most popular distribution of all time.
- So it’s a free system with many free software for you to try that has a low learning curve, you have to try it for yourself.
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