While messing around with LibreOffice Writer 5.0 on Ubuntu I discovered that I can’t highlight text, and trying to highlight text made the whole program freeze! I managed to fix it and this is how I did it..
I always download two versions of LibreOffice, one for Linux and the other for Windows, usually the one with the issues it the Windows version, but in this case it worked fine, while the Linux version was acting off.

I assumed that the main culprit is the Java machine, because in Windows it refused to work with the 32 Java machine I had installed which ran version 4.4 well. So installing a 64 bit Java machine did the trick, and the reports worked fine!
I looked at the machines I have installed and they were: and none of them made the problem go away!
You can access them by clicking: Tools Options Advanced
They were both excepted by LibreOffice but the problem persisted even after restarting over and over again!
I’ve finally been able to fix the problem that made LibreOffice hang and freeze when highlighting a text.
All you have to do is to navigate to:
/home/”User name”/.config/ and delete the folder LibreOffice.
It will work fine after that!!
You might have to unhide the folder in your file manager!
It’s not a Java machine problem. But I don’t think it would hurt if you download the latest version.