I decided since the Windows 10 update was rolling in “waves” that I want to try Windows 10 early on my Nokia Lumia. I installed Windows Insider on the phone and choose the fast ring.

As soon I did so there was a Lumia Cyan update installed. And after the usual steps I began to install the insider build 166 (was out on July 13th 2015)

I left it installing because the download took a long time, after it finally downloaded and installed many things stopped working! I was given some error codes but doing some research did me nothing! (CV: irVVS0fyS0ifo9wW

    Office was gone!

    OneNote stopped working!

    All the updates that were pending stopped working as well.

    There were some nice improvements. I can’t deny! The already great typing experience has become even easier with the added cursor and several UI improvements that made it consistent with the desktop version.

    I had to install the 512 build that came out on the 12th/08/2015.

    After a while the 512 build finished installing. It looks good so far. Office is broken down to three apps: Word preview, Excel preview and Powerpoint preview. (Which needed to be purchased then installed from the store).
    The store worked fine after the upgrade, and the errors aren’t displayed anymore!

    The phone became slower and hotter. So a reset was due. It worked better. But the office applications requires an office 365 license to work. And Onenote became so hard to manage! (I needed to scroll so much to get to anything).
    The phone lags a little bit and Cortana became less responsive. So I decided to rollback to 8.1
    As confirmed by Microsoft upgrade adviser, Windows 10 won’t be available for Lumia 630 / 630 Dual. So this is the only way to get Windows 10 on your Lumia phone.