Today I celebrated a significant milestone on my blog, as I reached the 300,00 view mark!

It’s been quite the journey, like the life we live it’s been a series of ups and downs. But I’m glad with the result.

It took me a while to reach this milestone, a little faster than I expected, but my blog isn’t doing as good as I hoped for, I guess the gold age of blogging has turned away for good.

My site had a boom a while ago at the heat of the passport crisis, now it seems like things got better because it’s not drawing as many readers as before (I measure the severity of the crisis by how many readers view the post over a period of time). As the views dropped to the way it used to be before I started blogging about passports.

For my next milestone, I’m aiming for 400,000 views on the way to half a million views (it has a good ring to the ear doesn’t it).

I noticed that I don’t blog as often, I don’t have as much time or as much subjects to talk about as before. I’ve done experimenting with software and I’m trying to settle with a set of tools and master how to use them.

 A quick reminder of what I use on daily basis: I use GNU Linux Kubuntu 16.04 as a daily operating system with LibreOffice as my productivity suit. I also use Zimwiki as my personal database to collect data and snippets from all over the web. Android has proven to be a good choice for a smartphone so far.

I’m on vacation for the next few weeks, it’s not like I have anything to do or anywhere to go, I do visit the bank regularly to try and withdraw some cash (the liquidity crisis continues for the third year on a row) and with the daily power cuts and heat, it’s a tropical paradise indoors! (Power cuts affect the Internet and thus makes blogging more difficult).

I try to mix things with the Arabic posts which has attracted a slew of followers! I actually have subscribers on my blog now, which is pretty nice!

I will continue to blog tho as there will always be something to write about.

What I like about blogging is that the page views increase everyday, there is no way that the stats will go down, and no one can take the progress I made away from me.

Have you reached a milestone on your blog? How long did it take you to reach there?
Share your thoughts in the comments section below.