I thought around the sixth year of blogging that I ran out of ideas, I’ve blogged about things I never though I’d talk about in public, and that was it.

 The end of the road

I was seriously complimenting about quitting blogging and just leave the blog to collect views slowly, which is something I discussed in the sixth anniversary blog post.

Walking away from blogging isn’t something I would like to do, it’s a big part of who I am and how I view myself, therefore I needed to dig deeper to find more topics that relates to everyday life.

My blog is growing with me

My blog is a journal of my life (at least the things I chose to share), it helps me celebrate important things and look back on my life.

Also it’s a chronicle of my learning journey, and it helps archive providing me with a centralized easy to access knowledge base of all the things I experienced with.

I’m glad that I was able to find my second wind blogging, I have more ideas to blog about that would keep me going for a while.

What’s the use?

There are some days where I feel that I’m not making a difference, that what I write isn’t read or even care about what I do, that my existence is equal to non-existing, but that’s far from true! I am helping and making a difference, and helping make people’s lives better, even by a little tip or trick!

I’m not there yet!

I haven’t achieved my goals from blogging, I still haven’t made a profit out of this blog! And I would like to reach 1 million views before thinking of calling it quits! (Currently around 370,000 views).
It’s always nice to look back and see how far I’ve traveled, see what milestones I made and how my blog is touching people and helping them. 
What do you think? Were you ever close to quitting and then realized that you can go the distance? Please let me know in the comments section below.