I had goals going into 2016, it wasn’t much but I’m glad I made some of them come true.

Things I’m proud of

To be honest, I don’t have much to show for this year, I’m thankful for what I have indeed, but it’s been this situation where nothing can be achieved, I guess staying alive is an achievement to be celebrated.

 The gift of life is not to be taken lightly, life should be celebrated always. It’s just this civil war situation that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon.
This year was a tough year, things are getting worse in Libya and it takes it’s toll on everyone, myself included.

1. New job

I got a steady job, the same job I’ve been struggling to get for the last three years as a teaching assistant, despite the need for new teaching assistants the government won’t sign them until the political dispute in Libya is resolved -isn’t that a bit silly?-

sadly now due to financial issues I’m not getting paid (and none of the teaching assistants got paid so far) which makes me wonder if this is better than sitting at home or working part time for startups and non government organizations?

2. Self discovery

I’ve also taken some steps on the path of knowing who I am, according to the MBTI chart I am an ISFJ, knowing that and reading a lot about the subject has opened my eyes on many things I didn’t know about myself, and answered some nagging questions I was desperate to find out, and never really knew how to formulate!

3. My blog

My blog has done very well this year, possibly better than all the past years put together! It’s either I was really bad before or that I got insanely good this year, it goes both ways!

I’ve written a lot less this year compared to 2015, it doesn’t have to do with my “new job”, it was a resolution I took in order to improve the quality of my writing, posting less but meaning more. Being my own worst critic I’d say that the quality of my writing has improved, but not as much as it should.

This leaves room for improvement, I still need to build my blog’s fanbase and newsletter, to be honest I haven’t put much work into that and it needs to be on the list!

I know that blogging has taken a backseat to other social media platforms, but I do believe that blogging will be great again!

4. Radio head

Some of my good friends kept suggesting I should be on the radio (not sure if they mean I’m ugly and I need to be heard not seen or something else), so I’ve decided to give radio a chance. I’ve started to contribute to WTSLTY “Wrestling talk show Libya”, and I’ve attended comi-con with them in a very special episode.

I’ve also taken an internship at t radio Alsa’aa 90.7, first starting as a guest on some of the shows, I learned some things about the business!

The gift of moving on

I tend to over think a lot of things in my life, mostly the past and it’s events specifically.
I’ve set a goal for myself last year to move on past all the things that trouble me and hinder my progress as a human being, did I manage to achieve this seemingly easy goal? Well to a certain degree.
Moving on isn’t as simple as pressing a button! It requires time and effort in order to be able to move on, luckily life keeps pushing new obstacles down the road, which helps letting go of the old!

Thinking about my past won’t change it, it would waste the time I should be living in.The gift of moving on, it’s something that shouldn’t be taken for granted!

I’ve also learned some valuable lessons in life that I might share in a later post, some of them seem like  basic things, while they truly mean so much!

A quick site update

  • My blog has reached 189,400 thousand views, just a tad bit shy of 200 thousand views!
  • I have removed Disqus from my blog, it didn’t sync old comments and it confused people! I haven’t received a single comment the whole time it was installed! 

What do you think of this post? Did you review your past year? And what are your goals for the year to come? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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