My second wind gaming
For many years I’ve hit a wall with games, I thought I’d never be able to enjoy video games again.…
For many years I’ve hit a wall with games, I thought I’d never be able to enjoy video games again.…
Wine stands for (Wine Is Not Emulator), and it’s a bunch of Mono libraries used to run windows programs on…
مرت خمس سنوات منذ بدأت في استعمال لينكس على جهازي المحمول بشكل يومي، بهذه المناسبة أود الاحتفاء ببعض المحطات الفارقة…
I’ve been using this laptop now for five years, which doesn’t seem like much for some; but for me –…
Kubuntu has a reputation for being one of the slower and heavier flavors of Ubuntu, and some users accepted that…