LibreOffice 5.0 hanging on Ubuntu, can’t highlight fix!
While messing around with LibreOffice Writer 5.0 on Ubuntu I discovered that I can’t highlight text, and trying to highlight text made the whole program freeze! I managed to fix…
While messing around with LibreOffice Writer 5.0 on Ubuntu I discovered that I can’t highlight text, and trying to highlight text made the whole program freeze! I managed to fix…
ولم لا ؟ فهو الذی وجدناه فی جهاز البیت عندما إشتریناه، وهو الذی یوجد بكمبیوتر المدرسة و العیادة. وكافی الانترنت. وهو الذی أخذنا علیه دورة الكمبیوتر التی أهلتنا للوظیفة التی…
After I installed Windows. I have lost Linux in the boot menu, in fact there wasn’t a boot menu at all! As soon I boot the computer Windows would come…
One of the few features I missed moving from Microsoft Office was the auto name upon save, where Word takes the first line of the text and uses it to…
Finally after what seemed like forever! LibreOffice 5.0 is out! “LibreOffice 5.0 is the tenth major release since the launch of the project and and the first of the third…