Unplanned downtime!
I wasn’t planning on staying down for a few days, but it happened anyway. My laptop fan broke as I was cleaning the laptop from dust (who would have thought…
I wasn’t planning on staying down for a few days, but it happened anyway. My laptop fan broke as I was cleaning the laptop from dust (who would have thought…
Remember when I said that I shouldn’t install / uninstall Windows so much? And that I should have made a virtual installation instead to test? Well I will tell you…
Hey you guys 🙂 If you are using Windows 8 / 8.1 You would notice an awful lot blue screen of death screens BSOD. Now windows advices you to search…
Hi guys 😀 Here is something really cool I ran into today: The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a…