Wifi not connecting on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 2 [FIXED]
After that partial upgrade and the annoying Docky issue finally fixed, I thought I was safe, but another annoying issue appeared, and this time hitting closer to home! One of…
After that partial upgrade and the annoying Docky issue finally fixed, I thought I was safe, but another annoying issue appeared, and this time hitting closer to home! One of…
One day out of the blue Ubuntu said it needed a partial upgrade, I clicked OK and didn’t think twice about it, it did some work on many packages and…
I decided since the Windows 10 update was rolling in “waves” that I want to try Windows 10 early on my Nokia Lumia. I installed Windows Insider on the phone…
توجد عدة طرق خاطئة لتصميم المواقع والجرافيكس. ستضمن لك الإحباط وضياع الجهد والوقت ! لا تخطط نصب آخر نسخة من الفوتوشوب، وقم بفتحها مباشرة ودون تأخير! لاتحترم التراخيص تأكد من…
Until the time of this writing Piriform hasn’t made it’s software available for Ubuntu. But there are other tools you can use to clean and optimize your computer. One of…